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  • +62 8128 2128 999
  • aw@wijayaco.id

Dissolving Foreign Marriage in Indonesia

Wednesday, 27 September 2017
3012 times
Foreign marriage may be dissolved in Indonesia under very specific terms and conditions that must be met by the couple. This usually happens to couple who live in Indonesia and both of them are expats. If you're experiencing this issue, you need to pay attention to a couple of important legal aspects. First, minimum contact of the spouses in Indonesia. This is to see if the court in Indonesia has jurisdiction. Second, reporting/registration of the foreign marriage. Three, how Indonesian…

Divorce Oath for Moslem-Married Couples in Indonesia

Monday, 18 September 2017
3128 times
The provisions concerning dissolution of marriage and its legal consequences are generally regulated in Marriage Law, which is further stipulated in Government Regulation Number 9 Year 1975 regarding the Implementation of Marriage Law. As for Moslem-married couples, the divorce proceedings are being regulated further according to the Compilation of Islamic Law. A marriage may be terminated due to several reasons among others death, divorce, and court decisions. A marriage terminated by a divorce may occur due to talak or divorce…

Legal Age for Getting Marry in Indonesia

Monday, 04 September 2017
4509 times
Getting marry in Indonesia must meet age requirements as set-out by the prevailing laws and regulations. It is the age where the laws think that you have the capabilities in taking action on your behalf to tie the knot with someone. Performing the marriage legally, requires emotional maturity, and therefore such decision may not be able to be taken by a youngster. There are many prevailing laws about the minimum legal age for getting marry, but the Marriage Law is…

Marriage Legalization in Indonesia

Tuesday, 27 June 2017
2991 times
Marriage legalization is for Moslem couples only. It applicable for those who were married in an Islamic ceremony. You know, the one that required you to convert into the same Moslem religion with your partner in order to get marry. If that rings a bell now, yes, this one is for you. This is regulated under the Indonesia's Compilation of Islamic Law. It was introduced in June 1991. Since then, the legal proceeding is more and more required by the…

Marriage in Indonesia

Friday, 28 April 2017
2701 times
Marriage registration in Indonesia can be done after fulfiling ten days waiting period. You must have the same religion in order to get marry in Indonesia. We don't recognize mixed religion registration. Any marriage performed according to the couple's religion affiliation is legal in Indonesia. For non-Moslem couples, after they performed religious ceremonies, they must register their marriage with the civil registry in order to make it legally recognized. Under the current law, it must be done at the same…

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